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1. Cuong, N.D., Kruger, A.Y.: Transversality properties: Primal sufficient conditions. Set-Valued Var. Anal. 29(2), 221–256 (2021)
2. Thao, N.H., Bui, T.H., Cuong, N.D., Verhaegen, M.: Some new characterizations of intrinsic transversality in Hilbert spaces. Set-Valued Var. Anal. 28(1), 5–39 (2020)
3. Cuong, N.D., Kruger, A.Y.: Dual sufficient characterizations of transversality properties. Positivity 24, 1313-1359 (2020)
4. Cuong, N.D., Kruger, A.Y.: Nonlinear transversality of collections of sets: Dual space necessary characterizations. J. Convex Anal. 27(1), 287–308 (2020)
5. Cuong, N.D., Kruger, A.Y.: Primal space necessary characterizations of transversality properties. Positivity 25(2), 531–558 (2021)
6. Bui, T.H., Cuong, N.D., Kruger, A.Y.: Transversality of collections of sets: geometric and metric characterizations. Vietnam J. Math. 48, 277-297 (2020)
7. Cuong, N.D., Kruger, A.Y.: Uniform regularity of set-valued mappings and stability of implicit multifunctions. Journal of Nonsmooth Analysis and Optimization 2 (2021)
8. Cuong, N.D., Kruger, A.Y.: Error bounds revisited. Optimization 71, 1021-1053 (2022)
9. Cuong, N.D.: Transversality, regularity and error bounds in variational analysis and optimisation. Bullentin of the Australian Mathematical Society 106(1), 167-169 (2022)
10. Cuong, N.D.: Lyusternik-Graves theorem for Holder metric regularity. (2023)
11. Cuong, N.D., Kruger, A.Y., Thao, H.N.: Extremality of families of sets. Optimization 73(12), 3593-3607 (2024)
12. Cuong, N.D., Kruger, A.Y., Thao, H.N.: Extremality of families of sets and set-valued optimization. (2024)
13. Cuong, N.D., Kruger, A.Y.: Generalized separation of collections of sets. (2024)
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